The trusted partner for personal and business growth.

I Can Help If...

I can partner with you to accelerate your journey to success, as defined by you, in two areas: 


  • You are a business owner and at a crossroads on how to move forward
  • You are under a lot of stress and nobody to talk to
  • You landed a new position and under a lot of pressure, but not sure where to start
  • The communication with your team and stakeholders is not at its best
  • Your people expect answers you feel you do not have
  • You need to work on a succession and an exit plan.


  • The team is not performing to its full potential
  • Some high performers are toxic and affect the team morale
  • The team does not act like one and seems rather a group of random people than a team
  • Low performers with high potential
  • Adjusting to strategy changes is an issue
  • Adjusting to change after mergers and acquisitions.

First things first. What you get.

I say “partner,”  as coaching is about the equal partnership as defined by the ICF(International Coaching Federation). I say “accelerate,” because you get to your goals faster with a coach, even though you can reach them on your own. An elite athlete has all it takes to win, but they partner with a coach to accelerate the results and maintain sustained change and development.

During the coaching process, your mind gets exercised and trained, so after we finish, you are able to consciously pay attention to your thinking. You learn to actively make the unconscious conscious, to spot the blindspots in your logic. You start recognizing and challenging your limiting beliefs and get a clearer focus.

After all, you define the goal and its success, and you set on the journey to achieve it. My job is to be your sounding board and your thinking partner along the way. I guarantee my undivided attention and coaching presence, and full confidentiality.

Would you like to try?


Book a discovery session to see if coaching is the right solution for you and whether we are a good fit.



My Story

Originally from Russia, and having lived and studied both in my birth country and the US, I now call home the beautiful island of Majorca.
I bring to the table:
  • Coaching according to the ICF (International Coaching Federation) standards and code of ethics. ICF certified.
  • Extensive international experience (both living and working in a fast-paced multicultural environment in the US, Europe, MEAI, and Asia)
  • Over 18 years of corporate experience in different fields and roles
  • MBA
  • Leading and training cross-cultural teams
  • English and Spanish (and, of course, Russian) languages.